Where is all the money going?

Since the inception of America the economy has been under constant evolution.  It started with the simple barter and trade with the natives as well as with the other pilgrims(immigrants.)  Small businesses (farms, local markets, blacksmiths, saloons, etc.) started to form across the land and  the world was moving towards capitalism and the supply vs. demand concept.  The Industrial Revolution changed the face of the world by providing jobs for many and creating large growths in many industries.  There are many other factors that contributed to our current economy (social security, taxes, stock market, etc.)  But the question I’m trying to get at is this; what has and what will be the effect of the internet?  Many businesses have thrived since the internet has been free to the public such as Amazon, eBay, iTunes, etc.  But also, people are more connected, ideas are shared at a rate never known to humanity before.  With more ideas and connection, we all have many more choices for our lives than before.  The problem right now is we still haven’t been able to define all of these choices.  The internet is limitless.  Will we get to the point that geographical governments are obsolete?  Or will someone take control and rule like we have let humans do throughout all of history?  What will humans say about the creation of the internet 300 years from now?  Personally, I’m gonna sit on the outside and try to enjoy the ride and stay afloat.  It’s a brave new world.