My compositions———-

First I’d like to present my most “academic” composition. I wrote this set of two art songs for voice and piano for my Music Theory 4 class so there were some requirements involve, like using the Neopolitan 6th….. but I made a little different than most art song collections by having the songs be for […]

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Catch Up

In the cancer community you see many of the same faces each and every day. Whether it is while you are in treatment or talking to other “survivors” to check in, the cancer community stays extremely connected to others. This blog is no different. A few months ago another survivor’s caregiver shared his story with […]

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Demos & Deadlines

Four years of schooling cumulate into one point, graduation.  Still, what does the fact that I’m graduating mean? I’m graduating with a degree in Mathematics Education so I can go on to teach students mathematics.  I’ve spent the last four years learning the how to’s, and the deeper mathematics concepts so now, as I go […]

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It’s Finals Time Again

And just like that, another semester’s come to an end and it’s that dreaded week again when the Finals are upon us and you can smell their foulness in every corner of the library. This is going to be a short post, more of a break-in-between-studying sort of post. Because we need breaks. Breaks are […]

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The Follow Up

After reading my last post I figured a follow up was in order. Firstly, I finished my twenty page paper on time and rather well done I believe. The procrastination, thus far, was for naught. My blood work came back almost perfect (my white blood cells have been running low). If there were any indications […]

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Keep Calm and…Be The Leaf!

It’s like the calm before the storm. It’s quiet, save for the clock dutifully counting down until the first Final rears its beastly head. We’re wrapping up all the last projects, dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s on the last few papers. With just a week or so left to go and summer fast […]

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