A solution to the puzzle from last post. For the original problem, see The Mutilated Chessboard: Part I.
A solution to the puzzle from last post. For the original problem, see The Mutilated Chessboard: Part I.
Are you tired of eating the same choice deli meat with the same store brand mayo day in and day out? Are you looking to spice up your meals without breaking the bank? Well you’re in luck! Today we’re going to learn how to make garlic aioli! This is one of my favorite sauces because […]
*When I refer to Clinton, I mean Hillary Clinton, NOT Bill Clinton. Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton: we know a lot about her and her promiscuous husband don’t we? But is that who Hillary is? The common adjectives that I’ve heard her described as include: bitch, head-strong, arrogant, wife, lesbian, mother, strong, leader, stubborn, hypocritical, unsuitable, […]
This week I sat down with Scott Cheshire, author of High as the Horses Bridles. The novel tells the story of an ex-Jehovah’s Witness and child preacher, who returns from California to Queens to care for his ailing father. High as the horses bridles is in the “Washington Post’s” top fifty fiction books of 2014, and […]
The 2015 Major League Baseball season is a week away, and with that it is time for some predictions. A lot has changed over the past five months. Some teams have made major strides towards playoff baseball, and others have vanished into the darkness. With that being said, let’s take a look at who I […]
Science fiction, as the genre of the future and of technological innovation, tends to be musically associated with electronic music. Music synthesized by machines, often unnatural sounding, as if belonging to something from another world. And one isn’t wrong to expect it. However, Bear McCreary–who has composed music for the landmark Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, Defiance, Terminator: The […]
Just Cause 3 has taken the top spot on my countdown! Do I need to convince you to read about a game that lets you fly a jet to high altitudes, only to then skydive to a mountaintop village where you can hijack a car, run it off a ramp, and in mid-air deploy a wing-suit and glide down the valley of a mountain chain!!
Nearly two weeks ago, the final Fashion Week concluded in Paris. This biannual event- there is one for fall/winter and another for spring/summer-attracts scores of fashion aficionados eager to see the new trends. The event highlights the global nature of the clothing industry, as it takes place in New York, London, Milan, and Paris, respectively. […]
I’m walking to class, making my daily trek to Queens Hall, and I see a familiar face pass by me. Struggling to figure out where I know him from, I continue to walk past the parking lot when it strikes me, and my eyes grow wide with realization. Humans of Queens College. I had […]