Hillary’s “Scandal”

*When I refer to Clinton, I mean Hillary Clinton, NOT Bill Clinton. Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton: we know a lot about her and her promiscuous husband don’t we? But is that who Hillary is? The common adjectives that I’ve heard her described as include: bitch, head-strong, arrogant, wife, lesbian, mother, strong, leader, stubborn, hypocritical, unsuitable, […]

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MLB Season Predictions

The 2015 Major League Baseball season is a week away, and with that it is time for some predictions. A lot has changed over the past five months. Some teams have made major strides towards playoff baseball, and others have vanished into the darkness. With that being said, let’s take a look at who I […]

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Scoring Science Fiction

Science fiction, as the genre of the future and of technological innovation, tends to be musically associated with electronic music. Music synthesized by machines, often unnatural sounding, as if belonging to something from another world. And one isn’t wrong to expect it. However, Bear McCreary–who has composed music for the landmark Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, Defiance, Terminator: The […]

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